Sunday, April 8, 2012

Miss Lucy Mae

Elissa, her owner included the following:
She was approximately 20 years old and was definitely the princess of the house. She would meow at us until we did what she wanted or went where she wanted us to go. One of her favorite things was to be carried around the house. She especially liked it when I cradled her like a baby and she would touch my face with her paw. She was a sweet and gentle girl and was very connected to us. She had a perch on the window sill in the living room. About 10 minutes before I would get home from work my husband said that she would stop what she was doing and go sit on the perch and watch for me. When I would come through the door she would run over to me and meow to be petted. Her favorite place to be was under the covers in our bedroom and she would sleep there all night. I miss our little Lucy.

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