Satchel Taylor-Ward
Satchel was my best friend.
He got me through many personal trials, health issues and bad days. He was the perfect study buddy, the best road
trip companion and very good at reminding you that just because he was a dog,
it didn’t mean that he wanted to do things like “fetch” or “play in that water
falling from the sky.” He helped me
meet Aaron, the love of my life and helped turn Aaron into a lifelong dog lover
as well.
Dogs are special. Dalmatians, on the other hand, are extra
special – which is sometimes difficult and sometimes wonderful - Satchel was no
exception. He was loving, kind and at
times he was sometimes a little “too” human. He
required a coat to wear when it was raining and would not go outside without
it. He would get offended if he wasn’t
allowed to sleep on the bed and he learned how to open doors – which Aaron and
I had discovered when he ate some of the food we had recently bought while we
were at work. When I found him at the
Seattle Animal Shelter, he was thin, missing patches of hair and scared. I was scared as well, painfully shy and
sad. I had recently gone through a rough
break-up. I needed him, probably more
than he needed me. He changed from a
distant, unsocial creature to one who would great every person that would walk
by and force me to do the same. He
helped me come out of my shell and be less afraid of the world. To Aaron and I, he is our “spotted baby boy” and we will
always love him.
Satchel crossed over with our love and help after struggling
with a long illness. We agonized over
the decision and want to thank everyone we have met and talked to over the
years who offered support, advice, laughs and comfort. Satchel is survived by his “wife” Dixie, who
we know will also miss him very much. In
lieu of flowers or cards, we are requesting that donations be made in his
memory to the Dalmatian Rescue of Puget Sound (
. ) They arewonderful organization that serves a wonderful breed. Thank you, Sabrina & Aaron